18 October 2024

Webinar highlights: Digital Applications in Mental Health

Digital Applications in Mental Health.

Ahead of the World Mental Health Day celebrated every 10 October, seven huge EU projects brought together experts for the second episode of Mental Health Dialogues. How do these projects address common issues in digital applications in mental health support such as designing with data privacy and human-in-the-loop in mind, as well as sustaining motivation to use such digital interventions?

Screenshots of the webinar showing all the panelists and moderator

Together with mental health and digital innovation experts of seven big Horizon Europe projects, the Mental Health Dialogues series held on 4 October 2024 tackled some of the most important questions commonly encountered by both the scientific teams and users.

The following presents the highlights of the panel discussion: 





Attended by over 100 participants consisting of researchers, practitioners, people with lived experiences, association representatives, and policy-makers, the interactive session has gathered valuable inputs both from the panelists and the attendees. This webinar is also held in close collaboration with the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) - the funding agency of the seven EU projects - as a way to influence policy and future programmes.

The event was opened by Stéphane Hogan, Head of Health Research Unit of HaDEA and was moderated by Charlotte Marchandise, Executive Director, European Public Health Association (EUPHA). The expert panelists include Anne De Graaff (ADVANCE); Habib Nasser (SMILE); Caroline Allenhof (Mentbest); Annet Kleiboer (Reconnected); João Dias (ASP-Belong); Hans Jürgen Rumpf (BootStRaP); and Rüdiger Pryss (Improva).

"Mental Health Dialogues" is an initiative of 7 big EU Horizon Europe projects under boosting mental health in Europe in times of change (HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01-01-two-stage)namely ADVANCE, ASP-belong, BoostrapImprovaMentbestReconnected, and SMILE.  This is the first of a 4-year joint-webinar project with the aim to provide synergy among like-minded mental health research serving Europe and beyond. 
Pre-register to the webinar series here.

Joyce Anne Quinto
Project and Communications Manager

