Mental health research with vulnerable populations
Mental health is a big concern in Europe, especially because of the threats of climate change, digitalisation, socio-economic inequities, migration, and aging populations. We need new ideas and innovative solutions to help vulnerable groups during these changes, not just relying on treatment in the clinical healthcare system.
With ADVANCE, we aim to improve our understanding on mental health promotion and prevention. We will develop guidance and methodologies for creating, adapting, implementing, assessing, and expanding effective mental health initiatives for key diverse groups in European countries. Explore what we do across various life stages.
Our goal
Our goal is to provide accessible, user-friendly, research-based guidance for the co-creation, evaluation, and scaling up of mental health promotion and prevention programs with vulnerable populations in Europe.

OBJECTIVE 1: We will document current challenges and co-create implementation and scaling-up strategies to anticipate new and emerging risks, ensure access to new mental health tools, and to reduce stigma and marginalisation.

OBJECTIVE 2: We will evaluate mental health promotion and prevention interventions to develop implementation formats in new contexts and populations. We will make sure these new strategies are based on real evidence.

OBJECTIVE 3: We will support in expanding the reach of mental health promotion and prevention efforts, so that more people can benefit from them. At the same time, we'll make sure these interventions are effective.
Our approach
ADVANCE is a unique mental health research project that embeds three core principles into its structure. This integration sets us apart in the field of study.
Prevention and promotion
Most research today is all about treating mental health issues through specialized clinical services. But here's the catch – these clinical systems in Europe are having a tough time keeping up with the growing demand.
Now, here's where ADVANCE steps in. Instead of just dealing with the aftermath, it's all about stopping mental health problems before they even start. Think of it as getting to the root of the issue to prevent it in the first place.

Structural vulnerabilities and injustices
ADVANCE will critically reflect on some important questions: Where does the distress come from? What are the roots of the problem? It will go beyond addressing coping strategies in individual participants to better understand how contextual vulnerabilities and psychological distress interact and can be address in an integrated manner.
ADVANCE believes it is not fair to focus solely on the individual without addressing structural issues.

Co-creation approach
This project thrives on the active involvement of young individuals, working professionals, migrants, and older adults.
Together with our Society Advisory Groups, we engage in a collaborative effort to shape policies, services, and communication that foster positive mental health. This collaborative process is guided by a psychosocial model and a human rights-based approach.


University of Verona Trains SH+ and DWM Helpers for ADVANCE

Diversity Works completes facilitator training on Self-help Plus with UCPH

Webinar highlights: Digital Applications in Mental Health

ADVANCE's Annual Meeting 2024
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Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. |
This website is hosted and maintained by the University of Copenhagen and will remain active beyond the project's end. |