Mental Health Europe (MHE)
Mental Health Europe is the largest independent network organisation representing mental health users, professionals and service providers across Europe. MHE co-leads the co-creation process of ADVANCE and serves as the network partner for the project's communication and dissemination activities.
Team members
Liuska worked for over 16 years in rights-based international and European networks mainly in the health sector and in organisations focusing on children's and women’s rights. She initially worked in the field of sexual reproductive health and rights with International Planned Parenthood Federation – European Network (IPPF EN) and subsequently as Programme Manager at the European Patients’ Forum. She worked prominently on patient involvement and empowerment, health inequalities, research and medicines’ development, eHealth and Health Technology Assessment (HTA). Recently Liuska has been the Director of the End Female Genital Mutilation European Network and holds experience in association management. Additionally, she has expertise in strategic planning, programme development and management, policy and advocacy work, membership development and capacity building.